font-family: 'Vibur', cursive; From Chunky Me to Sugar Free: The Wrong Weigh!!!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Wrong Weigh!!!

Lol, I cannot seem to quit laughing about this photo!!! If ONLY it were truly this easy!!! The whole topic makes me want to hurl, yet intrigues me at the same time.  I have to admit, while you wouldnt know it by looking, I'm an addict...completely absorbed, and totally engrossed in attempting to loose weight.  It is the first thing that I think about when I wake up in the morning, and the last thing that I think about before I go to bed each night.  I think about it when I sort hurridly through the clothing in my closet at six am every morning DESPERATELY trying to find something that fits....I think about it for eight long hours EVERY single weekday, while I sit on my fat J-Lo rump in front of this computer, I think about it every night, when I disrobe in front of the bathroom mirror before I bathe.  "You are a fat cow Margaret...what the hell are you thinking???" Yup....that's how that conversation usually goes.  I think about it every night, as I lay in my King Size bed alone....with my pillow between my legs and my little jello tummy resting lightly on the cool cotton pillowcase.  I think about it every time I get sad because I am alone...everytime someone says "you are beautiful" hah..I think havent seen me with my clothes off!  OK - so we have established that this topic NEVER leaves my the question you ask is.....Do you do anything about it????

Well, that is a whole new animal now isn't it? " What good is obsessing over something if you don't do anything about it" you say?  Well....I wouldn't go so far as to say that I do NOTHING about it....I try - repeatedly - day in and day out....the problem with me is...that I have no follow through.  Who is to blame??? Absolutely no one but the lady looking back at me in the mirror.  I have tried it all...every fad diet in town, even ones that I invented...HCG...Weight name it.  The fact is...I know VERY WELL how to loose weight..It's not rocket science...and I have lost the same 50 lbs at least 10 times in my adult life.  I've used many different methods, and many have worked...most not as fast as I would like...but they worked still the same.  I anxiously await each weeks issue of Woman's World Magazine at my local Mega Mart...I can hardly contain myself every week - waiting - hoping - praying that there will be some kind of "Miracle Diet" within the pages of the magazine that will make me drop 10 lbs a week but still allow me to have maple bacon cupcakes and strawberry cake pops anytime I want them!!! =( sad, disheveled face....there never is - even though each week's cover claims to contain the Diet of the Century!!! 

Gosh Sweet Tea...Dont you know that the key to maintaining your weight is to EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE??????  I hear you saying it...and as you say it...I am holding up my index fingers and hold them in the shape of a cross and I attempt to 'EXORCISE' those words right out of your mouth!!!  I am not a lazy gal, not by any stretch of the imagination...but I HATE exercise...what's a girl to do???

So....that's my story...I decided to create this blog to chronicle my progress first - to  share new facts and finds, recipes, motivational tips...anything that may help on the journey..and keep myself honest.  I will log my food intake and my exercise daily and I will set goals - that by placing in writing - I will be held accountable for.  Anyone who decides to follow - please share often! I need all of the motivation I can get, and I hope to give some back in return!!

That's about it for now....It's time for me walk to my "hotter than hades" car and make the 45 minute drive home....I wonder if I can even quit thinking about weight loss for that long!!

Happy Dieting Folks! More to come!!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, this was seriously comical. Not the content, but the way you wrote it - good job!
